5 Jock Itch Treatment Options| Piction Health

Jock itch is a common fungal infection that affects the groin area, buttocks, and inner thighs.

Jock itch is a common fungal infection that affects the groin area, buttocks, and inner thighs. It is uncomfortable, itchy, and can be embarrassing and it’s contagious! It’s typically associated with athletics/exercise although anyone can get it. It is 3 times more common in men than in women1. Fortunately, many jock itch treatment options can be found at your local stores or (if needed) prescribed by a medical provider.

Causes of Jock Itch

Tinea cruris is the medical term for jock itch. Tinea means “fungal”. Cruris means “groin/leg” in Latin. The two most common dermatophyte funguses that cause this are Trichophyton rubrum and Epidermophyton floccosum. Jock itch is contagious, easily spread through skin-to-skin contact and through contaminated towels and clothing.

Risk Factors

  • Warm moist environments like the groin area make it a prime location
  • Activities that increase sweat and/or friction
  • Tight-fitting clothing
  • Sharing towels and clothing with an infected person
  • Teen or young adult male
  • Have athlete’s foot (this is the same fungus and can spread to the groin)
  • Obesity
  • Weakened immune systems
  • Diabetes
  • Poor hygiene*

*It is important to note that jock itch is not caused by poor hygiene alone. While maintaining good hygiene can help prevent jock itch, it is not a guarantee. In fact, over-washing the affected area can worsen the condition by stripping the skin of its natural oils and causing further irritation.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Jock itch is uncomfortable. The rash often starts in the folds of the skin in the groin area and can spread to the buttocks, inner thighs, and lower abdomen area. It’s usually on one side of the groin but can spread to both sides. It typically spares the scrotum, penis, and vulva (genital) areas. The rash might be red, brown, purple or gray depending on your skin color and as the name implies…it itches!  

It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect you have jock itch and it doesn’t respond to over-the-counter jock itch treatments. In severe cases, jock itch can lead to skin damage and secondary bacterial infections.

5 Jock Itch Treatment Options

Treatment for jock itch typically involves the use of antifungal medications. These medications work by killing the fungus and relieving symptoms. In addition to medication, there are several steps you can take to prevent the spread of jock itch and reduce your risk of the symptoms worsening. These include:

  • Keep the affected area clean and dry
  • Avoid scratching. This can spread the infection to other areas of your body
  • Wash your hands after treating or touching the rash
  • Wear loose-fitting breathable fabrics like cotton
  • Avoid sharing personal items like towels or clothing to stop the spread
  • Change your underwear daily and/or after exercising
  • Wash everything that comes into contact with your skin after one use

Most cases can be resolved with over-the-counter antifungal treatment and following the above suggestions. If you don’t start to see improvement or your condition worsens reach out to us online at Piction Health.

Good Option: Antifungal Creams and Powders (over-the-counter)

Antifungal creams, sprays, and powders are the first line of treatment for mild to moderate cases of jock itch. They can usually be found at your local general store (Walmart, Target, CVS, etc). Most products will be labeled “Jock Itch” to make them easier to find. Ask your pharmacist if you need assistance.

Treatment should contain one of the following active ingredients: miconazole, clotrimazole, terbinafine, tolnaftate, butenafine.  These ingredients kill the fungus causing the infection and reduce the severity of symptoms. It is important to follow the instructions carefully. Apply the cream or powder to the affected area as directed, and continue to apply the medicine for at least a week after the rash clears up. Expect treatment to last 2-4 weeks and in some cases longer.

It’s not clear if one cream works better than another. However, some experts2 recommend starting with terbinafine (Lamisil® and Terbinex®) or butenafine (Lotrimin Ultra®).

Good Option: Oral Antifungal Medications (prescription only)

Antifungal oral medications (pills) may be indicated for moderate to severe jock itch, failed topical treatment, recurrent infections, and immunocompromised patients. Common oral antifungal medications include fluconazole, itraconazole or terbinafine. All three medications are generally effective. They all offer easy once-a-day dosing. Doctors may prescribe one of these based on various factors including your insurance plan, cost, availability, and any prior medication allergies. It’s important to follow your medical provider’s instructions when taking prescription medications to avoid the jock itch from returning. Please reach out online to Piction Health if you need treatment for jock itch.

Okay Option: Alternative treatments for Jock Itch

For very mild cases of jock itch the following home remedies may help clear it up but are not considered first-line treatment nor medically proven:

Rubbing alcohol: According to the Cleveland Clinic7…rubbing alcohol can prevent or stop fungal growth on the surface of your skin. However, it can also make your skin dry and tight and aggravate the rash.

Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil may help. Tea tree oil is a natural antifungal and antiseptic. It won’t clear the infection on its own, but it may help, but ​​reports show that tea tree oil may help your jock itch cream work better.6

Probably not Helpful: Medicated Soaps and Washes

Although there are medicated soaps/washes that advertise to treat jock itch, they are not recommended. Typically cleanser/soaps do not offer enough medication contact time with the skin to eliminate the fungus effectively.

Something to Avoid: Topical Steroid Creams

Topical steroids are not recommended to treat jock itch (a form of ringworm). According to the CDC5

Avoid creams containing steroids (or corticosteroids) to treat ringworm or a rash that could be ringworm.Many over-the-counter ointments and creams sold for rashes contain corticosteroids. The use of corticosteroids for ringworm infections can make them worse. They weaken the skin's ability to fight the fungus, allowing it to spread to cover more of the body. They can also cause burning and redness to be more severe. Corticosteroids can cause ringworm rashes to change in appearance, making it more difficult for healthcare providers to diagnose if you need to seek care later.”

Tips For Preventing Jock Itch

Tinea cruris clears with appropriate treatment in 80–90% of cases. However, recurrence is common. Here are a few tips to help prevent jock itch from returning3

  • Stay dry Make sure the groin is dry after after showering/bathing. Consider a topical antifungal powder or other talc-free powders to help.
  • Stay clean Shower after exercising or activities that cause excessive sweating. Use an antibacterial soap. Change your underwear at least once a day or more often if you sweat a lot. Wash workout clothes after each use. Wash your towels regularly. Don't share personal items (e.g., towels, clothing…this is contagious!).
  • Stay relaxed Wear loose-fitting clothing made of cotton or other breathable fabrics. Avoid synthetic materials. Try boxer shorts rather than briefs.
  • Stay healthy Eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, and avoid excessive alcohol/tobacco use.

In conclusion, jock itch is a common fungal infection that can be effectively treated using over-the-counter and prescription antifungal medications along with lifestyle changes.

If you're struggling with jock itch do not hesitate to reach out to our Dermatology team online from the privacy of your own home at Piction Health!


Q: Do women get jock itch?
A: It’s uncommon for women to get jock itch. Men get jock itch 3 times more frequently than women.

Q: What is the common term for Tinea Cruris?
A: Jock itch

Q: Can Tea Tree oil be used to treat jock itch?
A: No, jock itch cannot be treated with just Tea Tree oil alone but research has shown that using an antifungal cream and Tea Tree oil together may have a synergistic effect for better treatment outcomes.  

Q: Can over-the-counter medications treat mild to moderate jock itch?
A: Yes, look for labels that say “Jock Itch” and contain one of the following ingredients: miconazole, clotrimazole, terbinafine, tolnaftate, butenafine.


For convenient access to professional dermatology care, visit Piction Health's online dermatology platform. Our board-certified dermatologists are ready to provide personalized guidance for your dermatology concerns. Take the first step towards healthier, happier skin by scheduling an online dermatology consultation today.



  1. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1091806-overview
  2. https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2014/1115/p702.html
  3. https://dermnetnz.org/topics/tinea-cruris
  4. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/jock-itch/symptoms-causes/syc-20353807
  5. https://www.cdc.gov/ringworm/treatment/index.html
  6. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33477259/
  7. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22141-jock-itch-tinea-cruris


The information provided on this medical blog is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. While we strive for accuracy, medical knowledge constantly evolves, and individual health situations vary. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this blog. The authors and publishers of this blog are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from using any suggestions, products, or procedures discussed in this blog.

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